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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Roles and Responsibilities of Club Officers

Now that we have meet the Board of Directors and Committee members, let us break down their roles and responsibilities.


As the club leader, the president helps members develop as leaders and works to ensure that the club’s professional and leadership development activities and community and international service projects are successfully promoted and completed.

Responsibilities of President
• Maintains club operations, delegating responsibilities and establishing meeting schedules
• Develops a plan for the year as early as possible
• Presides over all meetings of the club and its board of directors (following parliamentary procedure may help to keep discussion relevant)
• Appoints all standing and special committees, with board approval, and follows up on committee progress with the help of the vice president

The president should maintain regular communication with:

• Sponsoring Rotary club through joint activities and meetings
• District Rotaract representative through club participation in district activities and meetings
• Rotary International through participation in the Rotaract Pre-convention Meeting and annual reporting

Vice President

The club vice president can serve more effectively by understanding the year’s goals, projects, and activities, and being well versed in community and Rotary resources. To that end, it is important that the club president and vice president work together as a team. This can be particularly helpful for clubs that choose to have the incoming president serve as vice president before taking office. The vice president presides at all meetings when the president is absent and serves on the board of directors and as an ex-officio member of all committees.


The secretary handles the club’s communication with the public, maintains all club records, and takes the minutes for all board and club meetings.


The treasurer is responsible for the club’s finances. Usually, the treasurer should meet with the previous treasurer and consult the sponsoring Rotary club treasurer and a certified accountant.

Responsibilities of Treasurer
• Works with the board of directors to develop the budget
• Collects dues and all funds raised by the club
• Pays all club bills and reimbursements for club expenses
• Reports the club’s financial status at each meeting
• Has the books audited at the end of the year

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Meet Our New Board Members, Directors and New Inducted Members

The 2011/2012 Board

A Rotaract club’s board of directors consists of the following elected officers: president, immediate past president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and additional officers deemed necessary by the president and the club. The board is the governing body for the club and meets at least once a month.

The board and the incoming president should review new club activities and discuss successful past activities. The president’s ability to work effectively with the Rotaract board of directors ultimately measures how well the president leads the club.

Executive Board
President - Austin Briscoe
Vice President - Candice Stewart
Secretary - Kalisa Young
Treasurer: Nicholas Bennett
Sergeant At Arms - Andrew Carter
Immediate Past President - Roger Young

The 2011/2012 Directors

The Rotaract board of directors ensures that the club will not undertake activities that will risk its financial solvency. It ensures that administrative responsibility, member recruitment, and fundraising are balanced with program activities to keep the club active and strong.


Club Service Director - Ammesha Samuels
Community Service Director - Shaloy Morrison
Fundraising Director - Anna-Kae West
Professional Service Director - Lesley Woolery
International Service Director - Melissa McLymont
Public Relations Director - Toni - Ann McKenzie

Congratulations to our newly inducted members;

Melissa Whyte
Sheldon Pinnock
Kevin Fletcher

Congratulations to members from our club who will be serving on the district board;

Austin Briscoe - District Fundraising Chair
Candice Stewart - Community Service Chairperson
Mark Barnaby - ADRR (Jamaica East School Base Representative)

We must also say 'Adios' to former club Secretary Suzette Cousins and Charter President Garfield Wedderburn. We will see you guys in Rotary soon. Best of luck and continue to support RCSA.

I am looking forward to an active Rotaract year with you all. Best of luck to the directors and members.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Rotaract year has begun!

The Rotract year has began and we started off with a bang! We had our Installation & Awards Ceremony which was held on Saturday July 09th at the Wyndham Hotel. Guest speaker Mr. Stephen Whittingham, C.E.O of Island Ice & Beverage Company spoke on the theme 'Embrace Humanity, Inspire Hearts, Change Lives'. We also had our first general meeting, ‘Rotaract and Us’ on Saturday July 16, 2011 at the Liguanea Club. Our Rotary club representative, Robert Wright was our key speaker he spoke on ways we as rotaractors can help make a difference.

Check out our photos:!/photo.php?fbid=10150309916030979&set=oa.10150314164431287&type=1&theater

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